Thursday, January 2, 2014

The END of 3rd Semester

Assalamualaikum semua.

  Sekarang nie I tgh struggle gila-gila untuk my finals.  Dah mcm zombi je rasanya study memanjang.  I really have to struggle especially engineering math. Urgghh!! this subject is a KILLER subject tau!  susahnya nak lulus math nie.  Dulu masa time kat Diploma, math was my favourite and now......everything dah bertukar.  Selagi x lepas math nie, selagi tu I can't proceed with other subjects yg related dgn math nie. Adoii... guys please pray for me.  Doakan kejayaan saya semoga saya dapat lepas math nie.  Sekarang tengah mendap. So tiba-tiba terasa rindu pulak nk menulis kat blog.

  Btw students lain tgh belajar math dengan tutor ktorg.  Tapi I kat bilik bajet bleh study sorang-sorang. Ha ambik kau!last-last tulis blok...GOOD JOB IZYANA..GOOD JOB! -_-"

I hope that I'm going to pass with flying colours and my life would be better tahun 2014 nie... I don't want to be in pain and sorrow anymore.  I hope I can go through life mcm zmn Diploma dulu. Itu la azam buat masa nie selain daripada memperbaiki diri ke arah yang lebih baik! yeah! I CAN!

Apa-apa pun..sebelum mengundur diri, sesiapa yang nak buat side income dgn mudah...meh sini kli link nie..lepas tu register..lepastu buat duit banyk2..lepastu boleh pegi melancong..wheeee...ok kidding! lepastu boleh tlg mak bpk dan hantar diorg pegi umrah. Amin..amin..amin..doakan yea..dengan itu.. MARI KLIK LINK INI :



Assalamualaikum semua.. SELAMAT TAHUN BARU 2014!! I just singgah blog sendiri sbb nak promote satu link nie. Sesiapa yang rasa nk buat duit dgn senang boleh la cuba klik link nie. Walaupun pengalaman tidak diperlukan, tetapi kerajinan perlu ada. Mana mungkin orang nak bagi kita duit free macam tu je kan. So kalau korang rasa nk cuba, sila klik link ini dan register. Registration x payah bayar pun. Korang register lpas tu dh boleh start bekerja di tempat yg korang tgh duduk sekarang. Mari la cuba.. Ini boleh buat side income tau. Bayaran dlm bentuk USD lagi..hmm..menarik nie..heee. mari!!mari!! klik link ini dan usaha untuk mengubah kehidupan kt pada tahun baru ini :D

 Ini link nye :

Klik! mari Klik! Jangan x klik. link tu akn bawak korang terus pegi ke webside theweeklypay.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Setelah sekian lama.....

Assalamualaikum Setelah sekian lama yg teramat sgt tak post anything dalam blog nie, akhirnya tiba la masanya utk berkarya di dlm blog nie semula..haha. Actually tiba-tiba rasa nak berblog semula nie sbb dh aku dh dapat sambung belajar and this is my first time rasa tinggal kat kolej ok!EXCITED man..tapi mmg agk homesick sikit la..baru 5 minggu tapi aku mampu bertahan lagi..haha..alhamdulillah..I AM A STRONG GIRL! Ok la, mcm nie la citer nye..actually sebelum nie pun memang kadang-kadang rasa semangat nak tulis blog. Tapi apakan daya, internet kat rumah slow sangat mcm siput. So I was like,'malas la nk on9..lembab sgt..better tgk tv or main game or whatsoever kn'...Then satu hari yg ditunggu2 iaitu hari keluarnya keputusan rayuan utk degree..ok fine!rayuan je ok..i x diterima masa awl2 mintak dulu..~pasrah alhamdulillah sangat-sangat sebab application aku dah berjaya dan aku dapat menyambung pelajaran di UPM..UPM laaaa...hebat kot universiti nie..aku rasa la..sbb nmpk mcm hebat je.haha.. lepas dh tgk result tu, aku pun terus la call mak..excited habis tp pada masa yang sama terpikir,mcm mana aku nak berhenti kerja sebab aku dh jadi warga tetap company aku kerja tu..mau kena bagi sebulan resignation letter baru bleh berhenti..oh my God..oh my God...itu je yg mampu aku pikir..cuak la sebab bos tu baik giler..tapi aku pulak nak berhenti tiba-tiba kn..xbest la mcm tu aku pun kuatkan kaki,tabahkan hati untuk bagitau bos aku..and guess what??ofcourse la dia bising dia izinkan aku sambung belajar..and dia cakap dia dh xmau ambik pekerja yang ada hasrat nak sambung blajar sbb nnt dia susah nak cari pekerja lain..haha..sian bos aku!THANKS BOSS.. Itu satu hal la..sekarang lepas dh 5 minggu kat UPM nie, aku dh mula boleh sesuaikan diri..nasib baik ada kawan-kawan dari poli dulu 2,3 org..xla rasa mcm keseorangan sgt..satu kelas plak tu!mmg jodoh la kan..haha..bkn jodoh apa pn..jodoh kekal berkawan la,disebabkan tengah ralit tulis panjang-panjang nie,si dia call pn x angkat..kan dh kena marah!haaa..aiyoo..xpe la..nanti boleh pujuk.hehe..:P Walaupun baru 5 minggu kat sini,aku mcm dah rindu sangat kat makanan mak. Aku tau, semua orang yg tinggal jauh dari family mesti akan rindu masakan mak diorang kn..So sekarang baru aku merasainya sebab sebelum nie memang aku asyik makan kat rumah je sampai la berat pun x reti-reti nak turun..ok,sekarang essei aku semakin panjang..sesiapa je yang baca nie mesti macam malas giler nak keep on kn..xpe la..yang penting aku dapat bercerita sikit.. Sebelum aku tulis post yang baru nie, aku ada terbaca post aku yg lama..ok la..rasa mcm LOSER sangat..haha..iye la..ayat mcm budak tak matang je..dengan nak english bagai..aku tau ar english memang bagus kalau kalau nak tulis secara suka-suki, aku x rasa english sesuai sangat..sebab ayat aku berbunyi sangat LOSER!haha..~dpt ko sebijik loser~ haha.. So lepas dh delete pe yg patut, aku pun tulis la post nie dengan harapan aku dapat meneruskan penulisan blog nie sampai aku grad nanti..*wahh..over nye..4tahun ok kena bljar kat sini..proses penuaan aku akn sentiasa berlaku di UPM nie..arghh`~~~ xpe la..dah dapat belajar,belajar je la..xbaik pulak rasanya merungut2 kan..Allah bagi peluang,rezeki,baik terima..jgn nak merungut2 plak..xbaik gitu..serupa mcm x bersyukur je dgn apa yang Allah dah bagi kat kita kan.. Baiklah..aku kena tidur dah nie..esok ada test english..owh my God..owh my God..cuak pulak..~sebelum nie beria bagai nak tulis english..esok test nak cuak plak!beria je ok!haha..lantak la..jalan je la..janji past test esok pn dh puas hati..rakan-rakan sekalian,doakan la aku berjaya tempuhi zaman degree kat sini dgn berjaya dan dapat pulang dgn segulung ijazah ok..aku nak BANGGAKAN mak bapak aku dulu..tu yang penting..diploma dah berjaya lepas..sekarang, bertarung lagi untuk menjadi yang lebih baik..amin... SELAMAT MALAM SEMUA..SWEET DREAMS!MUAXXX

Monday, September 19, 2011

Big Bang!

Tonight by Big Bang..that's the song i'm listening now..its energetic..i love it..the beat,the rhythm and the group itself is very attractive..waahh.muahh..hehe..

btw that's not what i want to say..i want to write this because of something..i start to feel that this person is start to change..i know people do change..but i just don't admire the way this person change..i feel lonely..i'm's little bit different compared to what we used to have last time..TOTAL DIFFERENT..I HOPE u will change back like the normal times we used to have..i always pray and pray..never stop praying for u..i don't mind if u want to change but just don't make me feel like this..everyday i try to hold myself up..i always think positive so that i can try to live my own life without u..coz u've change...i just don't want to be a troublesome to u long as u r happy,i'll be happy for u too..thanks for being a gud friend to u..i will always care for u..i'll always be here if u need me.. feel little bit better after wrote this thing..i'll write again if i don't feel right..<3 with love... @>---

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy mother's day!!! I LOVE U MOM...




I just wanna say thanks a lot for being the coolest mom ever...thanks for everything u had done make us grow healthy and with full of love and everything..i appreciate u so much...

wish u all the best..may God bless u and hope i can repay what u had done to use..thank you u..

with lots of love,
nana @>----

Lonely..i am miss lonely...:'(


Actually there is no reason why i should feel lonely..bcoz i have all these amazing friends and best friend..but sometimes i feel like i need someone 'SPECIAL'...i wonder whose that special one..hmm..i am so heart starts to feel the emptiness back.. "ur just to good to be true..can't take my eyes off u..."i love this lyric..hehe..its kinda sweet..bluueekk...:P

Ok fine...i don't say that i am desperate for someone 'special'..but i just feel like i need one..but i just go with the flow..i want to chill and have a happy life with my frens..i will try to bare with my loneliness..*please pray for me..i don't know why..but i just can't stop listen to sad and love song..when i listen to those songs,i make my heart feel so damn lonely...aaaaaaa...WHAT SHOULD I DO???I AM SO OUT IF MY MIND..uurrggghhh!!!!...the more i grow older,the harder for me to control my mind..maybe i am growing older,that is why i need someone special..hmm..i don't know..i just guess it...OWH me..

I hope I got full support from all of my friends and i hope u guys understand me..i need u guys..even though i know i am not important to u guys..i know u guys has someone more important in ur life...just enjoy ur life ok..just don't bother about me if u guys feels like i'm making trouble for u guys...i will always pray the best for my dearest friends..:) tq..muaahh..with lots of love to everybody..tata..

with love,
nana @>----

Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Best Friend gift....


Finally I manage to meet my best friend,AIDA last friday...i missed her a of our trios was not there that is we just met at my house and hangout in my room and do 'GIRLS TALK'..:P

We gossiped about a lot of things and then she gave me this......

she gave me this beautiful bracelet..i love it..i love bracelet...especially when someone give me,i'll be more appreciate of that thing...haha...
thanks my friend for this beautiful bracelet..i love it so much...

thanks for the bracelet again.muaahhh...

nana @>----